__ 12 . 6 . 2022

Srebrenica Herinneren (Remembering Srebrenica)

This podcast reflects on what it means to consider Srebrenica as a space of memory for Dutch traumatic heritage. Although Srebrenica lies beyond the national borders of the Netherlands, it is intertwined with the country’s past in multiple ways. This podcast aims to untangle the different perspectives of remembrance. It specifically considers the second generation of Bosnians; the children who fled Bosnia at a young age and grew up in the Netherlands. How do they remember and commemorate? And what does it mean to be both Bosnian and Dutch in the context of what happened in Srebrenica?

Conflict of the Archive: Imagining Thülo
Röhl’s Story

This podcast covers the Second World War. SPEME’s specific object of investigation is a diverse array of memory spaces, such as museums, sites of commemoration, or in this case: archives. In the format of imaginative storytelling, the podcast will focus on different conflicts which can be found in an archive such as the authority of the archive and the under-representation or lack of representation of certain narratives in archives.